Friday, 6 March 2015

Theo Verney - Mountain Rose

Over the last few years Brighton's Theo Verney has been building up a bit of a reputation. Slamming bricks of sludgy distorted guitars under raucous howling vocals to build rooms of pure noise. Now Theo's back and better than ever.

'Mountain Rose' is the first song to appear from Verney's upcoming Brain Disease EP and offers up a slightly more refined sound than the unadulterated fuzz of previous releases. Built on foundations of sprinting guitars and a hopping drum beat, Verney's vocals are soft, gently filling in all cracks and crevices of the chugging verses.

A heavy riff demolishes any sense of calm as a punchy chorus explodes into life. "I wont get knocked down!" insists Verney, calling out from beneath boisterous guitars and crashing cymbals. The gallop of guitars once again takes over, quickly rebuilding what was demolished just moments before, only for it to be once again crushed under the weight of more fearsome guitars.

A shimmering guitar solo is the perfect interlude between the final lethal rounds of wrecking-ball guitars. The song quickly collapses out of view leaving just a murmuring cloud of dusty feedback.

Verney's Brain Disease EP is out soon on Marshall Teller Records and if this first peak is anything to go by we are in for a treat. If an upcoming EP isn't exciting enough a debut album is also on its way to our ears in the not-too distant future!

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