Monday, 5 January 2015

Girlpool - Girlpool EP

It wasn't long after LA duo Girlpool released their debut EP on Bandcamp that they where snapped up by Witchita Records. It is clear when you listen to the EP why the label (that has given us great music from the likes of The Cribs and Fidlar over the years) were so interested in the Californians.

Opener 'Blah Blah Blah' envelops you with it's alluring  bassline which is soon joined by a pacing guitar. The track jumps into life as it reaches its punchy chorus with an explosion of guitar strums. The first half of 'Paint Me Colors' consists of gentle guitar and basslines which weave together to form a sound almost reminiscent of the more chilled out parts Happyness' awesome debut album Weird Little Birthday. However Girlpool pack a little more punk punch, the second half of the track obliterates the song's slowly built groundwork as the pair echo each others vocals over a rowdy set of guitars.

'Plants And Worms' is definitely a grower, if you'll pardon the pun. Harmonised vocals hover gently over the beautifully simple sounding guitars giving the song a freshness that is becoming one of the band's main appeals. The EP's final track 'American Beauty' is dominated by guitar chords out of which a rumbling bass occasionally peeps it's charming head. "I'm feelin' fine" the pair call out before the track fades into the distance, if this debut EP is anything to go by, 2015 is going to be far more than fine for LA's Girlpool.

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