Iceage's change of sound seemed at first to shock fans
that would have possibly expected new material reminiscent of the ravishing
punk noise of last year's You're Nothing. However once the initial
shocked haze had cleared it became easy to see links between tracks like
'Jackie' and 'Morals' and those on the band's new album Plowing
Into the Field of Love.
Opening track 'On My Fingers' begins with a simple but weighty
bass introduction not dissimilar to that of 'Morals'. 'The Lord's Favorite'
however, has a more country and western feel to it despite frontman Elias
Bender Rønnenfelt's vocals retaining their rough punk charm as he grumbles "I
do believe I'm the lord's favourite one".
Iceage use a wider range of
instruments on this album including a viola and a mandolin, however
what really stands out is Asger Valentin's Trumpet cameos. As 'Forever' closes
the brass kicks in with a flurry that puts the icing on top of an already deliciously
dark cake. "I lose myself forever" Elias calls
out amidst a sea of whirring guitars enticing us
to jump in with him.
The highlight of
the record is perhaps the beauty of 'Against the Moon'. Piano keys twinkle as a
heartbroken Rønnenfelt
sighs "Softly she put her hand on my mouth/Softly, so that I/In the
silence/Only heard breathing/Closed in living". However there is a darker
side to the track as the gentle melody and lyrics are juxtaposed with it's one
line chorus, "Pissing against the moon".
Iceage clearly knew it would be hard to better You're
Nothing for pure aggression so they've written an album that is more
experimental and more complex. Despite being less abrasive than its predecessor, Plowing
Into the Field of Love still an example of the rage fuelled post-punk
that we've come to know and love.